Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dear Friend,
It was so great to see you the other night. I do enjoy chatting with you, and I'm sorry things are going rough right now. I hope you will soon have some peace.
I always enjoy running into you and talking for that few minutes before we both have before we run our separate ways, and I especially enjoy running into you when you have your little guy with you.
I don't suppose you know why I like seeing your little guy and hearing about his antics. You see, I lost a baby that would have been his age by now, so I am reminded of how fast the time goes, how precious time is, and how important it is to enjoy our kids even when they drive us a little crazy trying to wash their own hands. :)
Anyway, thanks for that little bit of therapy the other night, whether or not you knew you were doing it. I knew it, and I thank you very much.

Your Friend,

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