Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Gravois Creek!
The evening was quiet for us, dinner with the kids, ice cream, a bath and firecrackers. The resident old man yelled at us at about 9:30 last night, "isn't it time for the kids to go to bed?" Sheesh-we were just having fun, too! I yelled back "Buzz, can't we pleeeeeeease stay up a little later 'Dad' ?"
He's old before his time, I tell you.

Well the update on the dog isn't as funny or cute. It seems the youngster had a problem with, uh, me. He could be a total angel dog, and then the next minute, snap! He had his mouth around my arm, trying to tear it off the socket. Unfortunately, he had to go, as we couldn't take the chance on the kids ( and I'm kind of attached to my arm, no pun intended). He didn't seem to have this problem with the husband, and occasionally felt he could try with the kids, but I would come diving in to help, only to be met with teeth and growls. I still want a dog, but we are going to take our time.

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