Monday, November 2, 2009

Where did that month go?

Okay, I blinked or something, because it's now November. And what a busy month it was. Bear lost 2 teeth (the front ones) and now looks like the poster child for America: red hair, blue eyes, freckles and no teeth.
We also had our first brush with flu: while the kids did get the seasonal flu shot, Buzz caught some version of some virus that left him out of commission for a few days, followed by a nasty cough for another week and a half.
I celebrated another birthday--yes! And, it was the best birthday of my adulthood. Thanks, sweetie!
Trivia night went well--we reigned supreme until the 10th round, when 2 tables beat us by a point. Oh well, 3rd place is still good out of 50 tables, and my friend will benefit tremendously by everyone's generosity, so it was a great night all around!
I worked my tail feathers off, too--which was both good and crazy. It made me glad to be a stay-home mom again, once the extra work days were complete. It'll make Christmas extra nice for our house, but the time lost, the work involved to make those days go smoothly--whew! I need an assistant to get it all done!
Boooooooo---my morning radio is now ka-put. I used to enjoy my 1/2 hour with my headphones, getting lunches ready, listening to talk about nothing important, but darn entertaining, and they took it off the air. Now I'm stuck with the Today show, which is a poor substitute. Let me know if you have any suggestions for early morning radio.
I am the popcorn "kernel" for cub scouts--what did I sign up for?
One last thing--I think because we have had an incredible amount of rain this month (over 12 inches), not only are our feet sinking in mud, but my feet are sinking deeper into my mouth. I have literally, yet unintentionally, made some horrible comments over the last month, which has left me wondering if people are going to start telling me to "blankety-blank." I've tried to make my apologies where I could, but what is going on with me? Some sort of frontal-lobe malfunction, but I need to slow my mouth down considerably. Now. If I have said something to you and not made the appropriate apologies, you have it.

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