Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just had to share this morning's events. After reading my friend's Caring Bridge website for her husband, I was pretty down. My long list of personal prayers has gotten very long, as I told my husband last night. And, I need somethings to brighten my spirit. I'm looking forward to church tonite to recharge, followed by a late dinner with some friends. I am looking for Crayola Model Magic, so if anyone finds some that is white, let me know, because I'd like to get some for the boys for Christmas. Then, in my running this morning (no shower, hair basically combed and no makeup, in my glasses) I run into a former boyfriend (the one I happened to break up with to date my husband). I'm happy to report that even though I looked pretty bad, he looked just as surprised to see me, wearing a big blue knit stocking cap. Not that I revel in other's misfortunes, but happy that we both looked a bit grubby to be out and about.

In my personal prayers:
SB, SD, MS, SG, KK, MF, ML among my usual prayers for my family and friends. Hear us, Lord! Amen.

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